Temporal Dynamics of Multiple Stressors on Oysters


Our World is Rapidly Changing

Organisms are exposed to stressors all the time, environmental and anthropogenic. These stressors rarely act on their own - but interact with one another in surprising ways.

Oyster tanks in a shelf

Oysters Experience a Multitude of Stressors

Oysters in Galveston Bay, Texas are exposed to a plethora of stressors. They experience high temperatures in the summer and low salinities during large rainfall events, like hurricanes.

I conducted experiments on oyster spat - newly settled oysters to understand the effects of thermal (temperature) stress and osmotic (salinity) stress.

Presentations and Publications

1) Agrawal, A., Jurgens, L.J. 2021. In review. Oecologia

2) Agrawal, A., Jurgens, L.J. 2021. Ecological Effects of Asynchronous Stressors on the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. 2021 POSea. ~Best Presentation Award

3) Agrawal, A., Jurgens, L.J. 2021. Ecological Effects of Asynchronous Stressors on the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. 2021 Ecological Society of America.

4) Agrawal, A., Jurgens, L.J. 2020. Temporal Dynamics of Multiple Stressor Effects on Crassostrea virginica in Galveston Bay. 2020 Gulf Estuarine Research Conference. ~Best Presentation Award

5) Agrawal, A., Jurgens, L.J. 2020. Temporal Dynamics of Multiple Stressor Effects on Crassostrea virginica in Galveston Bay. 2020 Western Society of Naturalists.


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